Effect of marijuana smoking on sex life
Once, a couple of thirty-year-olds came to me with the problem of completely ceasing to enjoy sex. They had a choice of either throwing themselves into sexuality outside of a relationship or doing something. They ignored the fact that they smoke weed all the time. And since I was watching the communication between them and me, it immediately struck me that she was not as efficient as it should be. I asked if they smoke marijuana. Confused, they looked at each other and confessed.
Their every sex was related to smoking. We had to talk for a long time to make them understand that marijuana can be this negative factor, because although it can increase the pleasure, the amount of sensation it gives at some point ends. And there is saturation. I went through it myself too. My partner reacted brilliantly to marijuana, and so did I. So much so that I had to silence the ceiling because the neighbors couldn't bear this explosion of euphoria. It was stormy and noisy. But there was a crash on Matyska. Once, during an intimate situation, when I was making these strange, funny movements, suddenly my eyes fell on the shelf with my favorite books and I noticed that one volume from Jerzy Krzyszton's triptych Obłęd is missing. There is no third volume! And immediately, because this is how marijuana works, I started analyzing what happened to it: "Who took it ?! Because I don't remember borrowing it! ” And all the time thinking where the book had gone, I was making these funny movements.